4 Types Of Extroverts (Personality Traits of An Extrovert)

4 Types of Extroverts

The life of the party is a common description of extroverts. Their outgoing, vibrant nature draws people to them, and they have a hard time turning away attention. The interaction gives them life.

There are 4 different types of extroverts according to Carl Jung’s personality theory, just as there are 4 different types of introverts based on psychologist Jonathan Check’s research. In addition to emphasizing the idea that no two introverts or extroverts are exactly alike, Carl Jung proposed that everyone falls somewhere along the spectrum of extroversion and introversion. To put it another way, extroversion is just as complex as introversion, which frequently exhibits a sense of mystery based on layers that only time and careful observation can reveal.

Here are Jung’s observations on the various subtypes of extroverts.

4 Types of Extroverts

Extroverted Sensors (ES)

Extroverted sensors take pleasure in being stimulated by the information they gather about the physical world around them. To understand what is going on and learn the most from it, they use their five senses (sight, touch, hearing, taste, and smell). Extroverted sensors are more concerned with their own personal experiences when determining what the truth means to them rather than focusing on hypothesizing and theorizing.

Sports or other activities that involve intense physical stimulation are preferred by extrovert sensors. Instead of engaging in lengthy, thought-provoking conversations, these extroverts connect with others better when they can do something enjoyable together. They still have a need for meaningful conversation, but not as much as they do when they bond with friends, family, or a significant other through activity and share that experience together.

Extroverted sensors are frequently the most daring and willing to take the biggest risks. Because they have a tendency to get bored easily when they’re not doing something, they have a penchant for new experiences, which includes socializing and meeting new people. Extroverted sensors prioritize being in environments that provide enough excitement to keep them interested because they are first and foremost energy-based creatures. ESTJ, ESTP, ESFJ, and ESFP types of people are extroverted sensors.

Extroverted Intuitors (EN)

Compared to extroverted sensors, extroverted intuitors are less extroverted. Extroverted intuitives enjoy delving into abstract concepts and focusing on the what-ifs and possibilities, rather than what is actually present, because they find that doing so gives them more energy than learning about the physical world. These extroverts thrive in intellectually stimulating conversations and cordial disagreements with others. If extroverted intuitors feel bored or unfulfilled in stagnant conversations that reach dead ends, then they don’t have a problem going off alone to pursue and sustain their own ideas by finding other sources.

Extroverted intuitors enjoy exploring the potential outcomes, as opposed to extroverted sensors who attend social gatherings purely for the energy and excitement they provide. They attend parties because they are intrigued by what hasn’t happened yet or what might possibly happen. You can often spot an extroverted intuitor if you find someone talking about abstract ideas rather than everyday events. ENTJs, ENTPs, ENFJs, and ENFPs are examples of extroverted intuitive.

4 Types of Extroverts

Extroverted Feelers (E_F)

People-oriented extroverts are very feelers. They enjoy being around people because it allows them to get to know them better and hear about one another’s experiences. As with all extroverts and introverts, extroverted feelers occasionally need their alone time to recharge. However, they don’t need as much alone time as the other two types because being around other people gives them a sense of fulfillment.

These types of extroverts are passionate about forming new connections when they participate in social events. They are very understanding and constantly consider other people’s needs, ensuring that everyone is content. Extroverted feelers are great conversationalists who can handle both superficial and in-depth discussions. The ENFJ, ENFP, ESFJ, and ESFP types are exemplified as extroverted feelers.

Extroverted Thinkers (E_T)

With their sense of authority and confidence, extroverted thinkers give off the impression of being born leaders. They value logic first and foremost and focus on producing results. They are organized people who enjoy building well-structured, effective systems. Extroverted thinkers are frequently overachievers because they gain energy from striving hard to realize their dreams and goals, which gives them a sense of accomplishment. New challenges motivate them, and they take pleasure in solving challenging issues.

Extroverted thinkers are professional and partake in social events for the networking opportunities they present. They gain energy from being able to advance socially at every opportunity. Extroverted thinkers get the majority of their energy from achieving goals, which rekindles their sense of purpose and fulfillment, despite the fact that others frequently perceive them as aggressive or boastful. Extroverted thinkers include ENTJs, ESTJs, ENTPs, and ESTPs.

Personality Traits of An Extrovert

You Enjoy Social Settings

People with more extroverted tendencies frequently find themselves the center of attention, and they enjoy this. They enjoy social interactions and look for stimulation in those settings. Extroverts frequently don’t hesitate to make small talk with strangers, and they hardly ever shy away from new situations out of concern for making a mistake or running into someone they don’t know.

You Don’t Like Or Need a Lot of Alone Time

Extroverts discover that spending too much time alone drains their natural energy, whereas introverts need to retreat to their homes or offices after a night out with friends or a stressful meeting. Being in a social environment allows them to refuel internally.

You Thrive Around People

People who are extroverts are at ease in large groups. They might be more likely to organize group activities like team sports or outings. For weekend activities, after-work happy hours, or other social gatherings, they might serve as the host. They hardly ever decline invitations to weddings, parties, and other events.

You’re Friends With Many People

Extroverts have no trouble making new friends. This is partially attributed to the fact that they enjoy the energy of others and interacting with those nearby. They frequently have a sizable social network and a large number of acquaintances. Extroverts are frequently eager to widen their social networks by pursuing new interests and activities.

4 Types of Extroverts

You Prefer to Talk Out Problems Or Questions

Extroverts don’t mind sharing their problems with others for discussion and advice, whereas introverts are more likely to internalize issues and think them through. They frequently have a greater willingness to speak honestly and express their preferences or decisions.

You’re Outgoing and Optimistic

Extroverts are often described as happy, positive, cheerful, and sociable. They aren’t as likely to dwell on problems or ponder difficulties. Extroverts are frequently better able to handle difficulties and troubles even though they go through them as everyone else does.

You Aren’t Afraid of Risk

Risky behavior may be displayed by extroverts. According to some theories, if it goes well, their brain is wired to reward them for it. Dopamine, a chemical that activates the reward center of the brain, has been found in one study to reward extroverts who take risks and succeed. Although participants in the study bet money, the response would apply to any number of activities.

The benefit of a spike in brain-stimulating chemicals may make extroverts more willing to take chances.

You’re Flexible

Extroverts frequently have a high capacity for situational adaptation and problem-solving creativity. Even though they may be well-organized, not all extroverts require a plan of action before they start a project, book a trip, or complete any other task. It might be a good thing to accept impulsive decisions.

The Bottom Line

Jung held the view that everyone possessed both extroverted and introverted characteristics. An extroverted thinker could therefore also be an introverted intuitive. Or an introverted feeler could also be an extroverted sensor.

In reality, according to Jung, each of us has two extroverted cognitive functions and two introverted cognitive functions. In light of this, an extroverted intuitive may also, to a lesser extent, be an extroverted thinker.