8 Different Ways To Say How Are You And Reply

How Are You

Perhaps you have experienced something similar before. Somebody asks you ‘How are you?‘ and you do one of these: you don’t know exactly how to answer this in a unique way, so you just nod or end up saying something like ‘fine, thanks. You should first be aware of: there are other ways to say I’m fine.

Knowing different ways to say How are you in English according to the people you are talking to is essential for anyone learning There are other ways to start a conversation than by saying “Hello, how are you?” in English.’. It turns out that you don’t have to use this expression constantly and sounds monotonous. You have options! Keep reading to learn 9 ways to ask this question and possible answers to each question so that you never feel unsure again.

Several Different Ways To Say How Are You

When asked how they are doing, many students frequently reply in the following manner: “I’m good, thank you; how about you?” It can often sound incredibly robotic and fake, which only makes the situation worse. Try the following responses to make your conversation starters sound more natural and lively.

  • I’m good
  • Pretty good
  • I’m well

Make sure your statement ends with a rising intonation to sound confident. If you aren’t feeling that upbeat, but you don’t want to be a total downer, try some of these alternatives to so-so

  • I’m OK.
  • Not too bad.
  • Same old, same old.
  • Yeah, all right.
  • I’m alive!

Even when circumstances aren’t ideal, you don’t want to appear whiny or pessimistic. Try these options instead.

  • I’ve been better
  • Having you here is better.
  • I can’t be too negative.

There you have it!

You’re now armed with some new weapons in the game of How are you? Feel free to try different things and observe the reactions you get. The best times to use each phrase will become clear to you as a result of this.

Other Ways To Ask How Are You

There are numerous other ways to strike up a conversation with a coworker, your boss, or an old friend you ran into at the store. Let’s look at them and discover the most effective methods for responding to those queries.

1.  How Are You Doing?

The structure of this question uses the present continuous tense of to be + present participle of doing. If you are a Friends fan, you have heard this before. How you doing? is the catchphrase of the Joey Tribbiani character, played by actor Matt LeBlanc.’, which is an abbreviation of ‘How are you doing?

2. How Is Everything Or How Are Things?

Any of these will likely be employed when speaking with acquaintances. You probably have some knowledge of their lives and are genuinely interested in finding out how they are doing. The chance encounter with a coworker is an excellent illustration of when to use this question. He or she might declare, “Things are fantastic. In reality, I received a promotion last week. The prospect of working with Peter excites me greatly. Have you ever collaborated with him?’

3. How Is It Going?

The structure of this question uses the present continuous tense of to be + present participle of go. Notice the subject changes from you to it. Life in general is meant by the word “it.” Remember that this is a very informal question, so you can use it with your friends and family.

4. What’s Been Going On?

It is a good idea to use this question, which is similar to “how have you been,” to inquire about someone you know more intimately. Contrary to “how are you?” people are more likely to really open up when you ask this question, so they will likely say more than just “good, thanks.”

5.  How Have You Been?

Another one that works well is this one, especially if you haven’t seen the person in a while. It’s a good idea to catch up; the phrase “to catch up” is a phrasal verb (a verb and a particle combined), and it’s used to indicate that two people who haven’t spoken in a while should catch up on one another’s lives.

6. What’s Up?

Do you utilize the “WhatsApp” app? So allow me to share a fun fact with you. Whatsapp’s founders gave it the name “What’s up” to make it sound like the phrase.

‘To inquire about someone’s well-being informally, say “what’s up.” Use it with your loved ones, both near and far.

7 . In What Condition Are You In?

When one runs into someone who has been having a hard time, one can ask them this. This is one of the different ways to ask how someone is feeling.

Let’s say you run into your friend Rachel at the mall. When you two first meet, you mention Rachel’s father’s recent passing and inquire: “Hello Rachel, nice to see you again! How are you faring?”. Hey, good to see you too, she might respond. Oh, you know, there’s room for improvement. But I am persevering.”

8 – How’s Life?

You can ask someone this question in a very general way. They could reply briefly, like, “Things are good,” for example. They can talk a little bit more and give you an update on their lives by asking, “How about you? “

How Do You Reply?

1. I’m Fine 

Obviously, the tone of the question will have an impact on how you respond. If the other person merely asked the question out of politeness, then they most likely anticipate a similarly direct response.

However, your response can reveal a lot about you and, depending on the situation, present an opportunity for you to be open and share information, advance the conversation, or establish rapport.

Sending back a straightforward “I’m fine and you”? destroys any chance of this in an instant!

You run the risk of coming across as insincere if you always respond, “I’m fine,” in the same way. You can at least make an effort to change it by using different words or intonation. Saying “yeah, I’m fine, thanks” for instance, might imply that you’re OK, if not particularly great.”

2. I’m Ok / I’m Alright

In most circumstances, saying “I’m fine” can come off as a bit formal and artificial. The majority of people would respond “I’m OK” or “Thank you,”, especially in a situation that is relatively informal.”

3. Not Too Bad!

Using expressions like “not too bad” or “could be worse” is also very British. This might indicate that they actually feel on top of the world or that they have been in a car accident and lost both of their legs.

Naturally, the tone has a big impact. They may conclude their response with “I suppose” or “all things considered” to suggest that things haven’t been all that great.

4. Be Positive!

That being said, even in the UK, it is becoming more acceptable to respond positively by saying things like, “Yeah, I’m doing well thanks,” or even just “Great” or “Fantastic.”

Feel free to add this information now if your joyful response is due to a particular event, such as a wedding, a new baby, or winning the lottery. Be careful not to appear arrogant or make the other person feel inferior in comparison, though!

‘In a professional setting or during an interview, saying “Yes, I’m (very/really) well” is a suitable response. But make sure you say it with conviction!

I’m good, thanks is a common phrase you may also hear. Although a lot of people, especially in the USA, use this expression, it actually means that you are good, as in the opposite of evil, rather than that you are well.

5. Honesty Is Sometimes The Best Policy

However, there are some situations in which you might want to be upfront with the other person, especially if they are a friend or member of your family. You might respond, “Well, to be honest, not that great actually,” “I should have known better,” or “I’m OK now, but”.

Additionally, you might want to take advantage of this opportunity to establish a rapport with the other person by discussing current events or, as the British love to do, the weather!

No matter what you say in response, always remember to thank the person who asked and to inquire about their well-being as well.

We hope that this list of queries and responses will assist you in making small talk. Next time someone asks you “how are you” in English you will be able to answer properly, instead of just nodding or going with the classic ‘I’m fine, thanks.