15 Steps Tell You How To Finish A Big Project

Big Project

The beginning of a project is usually straightforward, but somewhere along the way, it becomes difficult. So how to finish a big project?

You soon find yourself slogging away with a weekend coming up and pondering how you will ever finish. It goes without saying that you shouldn’t rush and make mistakes. To complete the task quickly without sacrificing the quality of the work, you need some kind of strategy or energy boost.

It’s common to get stuck. Do not be discouraged by challenges and complexity. Here are seven strategies for getting out of the muck and completing your task with a result that makes you proud.

Make a plan‌.

When it comes to tackling big projects, the most fundamental action you should take right away is to make a plan. Being clear about objectives and getting organized is the first step on the path to success. Your plan should be as specific as possible by answering how you will approach and complete the project, when you will do it, and where it’s to be done.

Commit to it.

Setting a goal happens as you create your plan. This is a way for you to innately commit to completing a project. If the project is a part of your job, others will probably hold you responsible for it as well. By telling others about your objective, you should be more likely to take it seriously if it’s something you do for yourself.

Split it up.

Were you one of the students who completed a term paper in a marathon session the day before it was due? I wasn’t, and I believe most people perform better with a little less stress and more manageable workloads. One of the best ways to make a big task less overwhelming and more likely to get done properly is to divide it up into smaller, more manageable pieces. You’ll be more motivated if you hit the smaller milestones or goals associated with those sessions.

Make it a habit

You have the chance to establish a routine when working on large projects that span several sessions. If you haven’t already done so during the planning stage, try to designate specific days, times, and locations for the work, like Wednesdays at 8 p.m. in your garage. Building a habit and making your efforts as automatic as you can be easier if you also use support tools like checklists and reminders.

Break It Down

Projects frequently get put off because we perceive them to be too difficult. They are so big and overwhelming that we hardly know where to begin.

Breaking the project down into smaller milestones is the best place to start when you do sit down to start making some progress on it. What bite-sized pieces can you cut it up into?

If you’re creating a large presentation, for instance, you might divide it up into stages, like finishing an outline, developing the various sections, and then finally turning that information into slides.

By doing this, the challenging project feels at least a little more manageable and you are much more likely to actually make progress, even if it is only in small steps.

Don’t Be Afraid To Ask For Help

It’s important to reevaluate your assumptions if you hear the phrase “ask for help” and immediately think that it means accepting blame. Not taking responsibility does not follow from asking for assistance.

In fact, enlisting some support might just give you the boost you need to finally move that project you’ve been putting off forward.

Involving other people motivates you, gives you a sense of accountability and ultimately improves the quality of your finished product, whether you just want to bounce some ideas off someone or get some early feedback on a section of your project.

Force Yourself 

You sometimes just need to get going. And, while there’s no denying that can take a lot of willpower, physically locking yourself away will be helpful in making sure that you actually start making some progress.

Place only the items you require for that project in a quiet room by yourself. A minimum of something related to that big task should be completed, even if it’s just getting all your thoughts down on paper. Try your best to resist the temptation of your phone notifications or your inbox.

Even if you’re slow off the mark, the knowledge that you’re at least moving in the right direction will usually be enough to motivate you to keep going.

Start in your head.

Even with the best preparation and routines, there may still be times when the idea of continuing your project makes you anxious and you feel tempted to put it off. Starting a task in my head first is one strategy I occasionally use in my own work to get around this. Mental simulation has been found to be a useful method for improving goal-directed effort and performance in earlier studies. Simulating a task helps you overcome your own resistance to doing it and gets you ready for the work that lies ahead.

Make it easy

Many projects involve smaller tasks of varying difficulty, and individuals occasionally finish a work session just as they have a difficult task in front of them. In contrast, you ought to do the exact opposite. When you finish a work session, try to organize the next one so that you can start with a simpler task. This will enable you to ease back into the project rather than abandon it. 

Find The Right Timing

There is a lot of advice out there that suggests starting those unappealing tasks or projects first thing in the morning. I can see the advantage of getting those things out of the way, too.

But in this regard, everyone varies. It will be more difficult to talk yourself into starting if you’re not at your most alert or motivated in the morning.

Instead, I advise identifying the times of day when you feel most prepared to tackle those overwhelming tasks. Working during your peak hours, whether it’s right after you wake up or well into the evening, will make the entire process seem a little less dreadful.

Give Yourself A Pep Talk

Everyone could benefit from an occasional rousing pep talk to inspire them, so why not give one to yourself?

This is a good chance to figure out exactly what’s stopping you from starting that project, in addition to getting yourself motivated to actually take the reins and get going.

Does it appear to be too big and intimidating? Is it a task you just don’t like to do? The deadline—is it too short? Focusing on the reasons why you keep putting it off will be beneficial as you move through the following steps.

Be positive

Even though it’s sometimes easier said than done, being in a good mood is a great catalyst for productivity, which in turn can support a positive outlook. Don’t let the success of the project as a whole determine your happiness. Instead, to stay motivated, celebrate small victories like going above and beyond your daily productivity goal.

Reward yourself.

When you reach small victories or milestones, you might choose to reward yourself so that your efforts are positively reinforced. However, there are other ways to more directly link rewards to your work. This practice of combining rewarding “should” actions with gratifying “want” experiences is known as temptation bundling. For instance, even though I find it challenging to concentrate with music playing in the background, I occasionally permit myself to indulge in this diversion when working on tasks that I am not particularly motivated to complete.

Share your progress.

Sharing your success with others can help you on your path to achieving your goals, just as sharing your plans and goals with others can strengthen your commitment to them. Maybe even a pat on the back.

Get it done by choosing not to

Whether your major effort is physical or mental, it’s normal to occasionally become weary or stuck. When that occurs, think about switching up your routine completely, as some authors advise in order to get over a block in their writing. Take a stroll or practice your instrument. If you’re lacking in inspiration or intellectual vigor, reading a book can both recharge your batteries and inspire you.

I hope everyone will overcome the difficulties and strengthen their confidence. Believe that everyone can accomplish their projects.