Sync Up Meeting: All You Should Know

sync up meeting

Sync-ups originate from what the world of competitive sports calls a “huddle”. One team’s players congregate in a circle for huddles to debrief, plan their next move, or celebrate a goal. Continue reading, you will learn more about sync meetings.

What Are Sync-Up Meetings?

ln a nutshell, sync-up meetings are short team gatherings that usually wrap in under 15 minutes. The better is that they are shorter. Although there is no predetermined expectation for how frequently they should occur, most sync-ups occur daily or once per week.

Why Quick Sync-Up Meetings Rock?

Sync-ups are concentrated sessions that last longer than typical meetings. Teams must work incredibly quickly to discuss, choose, and implement everything on their agenda with only 15 minutes to spare.

But there are other considerations too:

Time-boxing. Burst meetings with a firm time limit are more manageable than long, “flexible” ones. Given the limited time available, everyone is required to arrive and call in promptly rather than arriving 5 or 10 minutes late (classic).

Better engagement. We can think of a few activities that are at least a little more exciting than lying in bed for an hour-long debrief. On the other hand, sync-ups enable teams to sync briefly. All attendees can maintain their attention until the very end because they don’t deplete any energy.

Instant feedback. Quick team meetings are simpler to organize and cause less disruption to the team’s schedule. They work particularly well for managing scope creep, realigning priorities, and ensuring that everyone is aware of the next step in ad hoc project updates.

Team camaraderie. In remote teams, consistent communication fosters a sense of camaraderie. Teams can break down virtual barriers, recognize small successes, take stock of failures, and realign with the mission and goals of the company by using quick sync-ups.

What Are the Tips for Effective Sync-Up Meetings?

Always Ask “Why” before Saying “Yes”

You’ll soon be performing another daily standup. Wait for a second, whoa! We didn’t say you had to agree to every sync-up; we just said they were preferable to regular meetings.

Here’s the thing. Not every quick meeting is worth your time so be sure to ask yourself the following questions before calling in:

  • “Really, do they need me in there?”
  • “Why did I receive the invitation in the first place?”
  • “Approximately how long will it take?”
  • “Do I have sufficient background to contribute?”
  • “What was the return on my time investment?”

Even if it’s a daily scrum, skip the meeting if you have a gut feeling it won’t be the best idea and continue working instead.

Time-Box Everything

Due to their briefness, sync-ups are very powerful. But it’s one thing to promise yourself (and others) that “it’ll only be 5 minutes” and actually deliver on that front.

  • Aim for the sweet spot, preferably between 5 and 15 minutes
  • Let other attendees know both the start and end time
  • Bar people from calling in late and leaving the session early
  • Never exceed the set time limit and wrap every sync to the minute
  • Give everybody a heads-up a couple of minutes before the time’s up

Unsure of the best way to organize your daily sync-ups? These free templates will get you started:

  • Daily Stand-Up Scrum Meeting
  • Sprint Retrospective Remote Team Meeting
  • Sprint Meeting Checklist for Managers
  • Remote Team Meeting Agenda
sync up meeting

Make Them Predictable

It can be challenging to coordinate collaboration and communication across time zones. To find the ideal overlap time for a sync, you must take into account each team member’s local time and working hours.

  • Find a suitable overlap time when everybody’s online
  • Block time in a shared calendar and stick with it
  • Always run daily meetings at the same time
  • Never call off a meeting at a moment’s notice
  • Plan any changes way in advance

When daily standups take place across time zones, predictability and transparency are essential. In order for your team to prepare ahead of time and arrive on time, they should be aware of the location of the meeting.

Chit Chat Instead

Every sync-up doesn’t need to be a formal meeting. Sometimes a quick chat can be just as effective as a 15-minute video conference.

  • Default to chat for quick brainstorming
  • Use a collaborative digital whiteboard
  • Focus on maximizing creative input
  • Use on-project comments for feedback
  • Make sure to follow up and discuss the results

You can contribute quickly and creatively during chat sessions. The dynamic is much more alive than with other communication channels because anyone can speak at any time.

Always Come Prepared

Whether you’re talking about the rules for coffee breaks or a project involving a skyscraper, it doesn’t matter. Your sync-up meetings ought to each have a schedule. Time would be wasted if it didn’t.

  • Always create a meeting agenda and share it in advance
  • Focus on a maximum of three essential topics (Rule of Three)
  • Include the date, start and end times as well as the list of attendees
  • Define goals: informative, creative, decision-making, or organizational
  • Create a template to kick things off quickly

Bar Any Distractions

A sync-up’s main goal is to communicate and take action in the shortest amount of time. You have a maximum of 15 minutes to call in, get warmed up, and talk about what needs to be done.

Given the limited amount of time, you should weed out any distractions:

  • Bar smartphone use during meetups
  • Encourage attendees to turn their cameras on
  • Ban latecomers from calling into meetings
  • Designate a “scribe” to take and distribute notes
  • Use the mute button when you’re not speaking

Make Those 15 Minutes Count

Sync-ups are a great way to absorb a lot of condensed, important information with a minimal outlay of time and attention.

  • Actively participate and take initiative
  • Takes notes, especially when nobody else does
  • As questions when you need more information
  • Don’t interrupt when someone’s speaking
  • Prepare your own agenda before attending

You’re wasting both your and other people’s time if you’re not paying attention during a 15-minute meeting with five people.

How Do I Use Sync Up?

On your smartphone, open the SyncUP TRACKER app and select an item to keep an eye on. Enter information about the item you are tracking, such as its unique name and how frequently its location will be updated.

Get started

  1. On the Welcome screen, choose Let’s begin.
  2. As directed by the app, proceed.
  3. Select Allow location access.
  4. Decide to accept push notifications.
sync up meeting

Is Sync Up Correct?

To function or operate at the exact same time and rate as something else. (“Sync,” or less commonly “synch,” is short for “synchronize.”) I’m attempting to synchronize these lights so that their blinking patterns don’t change.

Who’s in a 1-on-1 Sync-Up Meeting?

A manager meets with a direct report in a one-on-one setting. They usually have some sort of cadence to them (see “when”) and are instrumental in driving team alignment and employee success.

What Does It Mean to Sync Up With Someone?

If you are “in sync” with another person, you are “on the same page,” and you get along easily. The phrase has also become popular with the growth of electronics such as computers, phones, and other communication devices that can be connected, or “synced.” Synchronized verb definitions.

Is It Sync Up Or Sync Up?

Sync something (up) (to/with something) The live music and the show’s visuals are not timed. sync (up) with/to something It’s the first time in 35 years that a blue moon, a supermoon, and a total lunar eclipse have all coincided.


It isn’t the most exciting thing in the world to spend hours in daily scrum meetings, let’s face it. Make quick sync-ups a regular feature of your remote team’s schedule if you’re looking for some real action.

So why not use Taskade to make those marathons into sprints? By reducing the needless friction in planning, organizing, and decision-making, Taskade enables remote teams to remain competitive in the modern workplace.